Beltline Bingo

Y’all loved our birthday bar golf so much that I knew I had to share our latest drinking game from my birthday this weekend- Birthday Beltline Bingo! Sydney and I had so much fun coming up with silliest things to include. 

This game is a lot simpler and more flexible than bar golf, but equally as fun! I printed it out on gloss cardstock at Office Max (shoutout to Nicole there for being amazing and having the best reaction once she saw what I was printing, haha!) 

The rules are pretty simple- once you complete an activity, cross it out! The first one to get across or diagonal wins. Our biggest rule was no double dipping- you can only cross one thing out at a time (for example, if you spill the champagne while popping it, you can only cross out either “Pop Champagne” or “Spill a drink”- not both). 

Here you go! Click to download- have fun, y’all! 

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